Atangana –Juliette’s father
Makrita – Atangana’s wife.
Oyono – Atangana’s son
Julliette – Atangana’s daughter
Abessolo – Juliette’s grandfather
Bella - Juliette’s
Ondua –Atangana’s brother.
Matalina – Ondua’s daughter.
Mbarga – the village headman.
Mezoe – a relative.
Kouma – Juliette’s cousin.
Oko - Juliette’s fiancé.
Ndi- the first suitor.
Mbia – the second suitor.
Engulu – Mbia’s driver.
Tchetgen – the third suitor.
Sangatiti – the witch doctor
is expected and Juliette arrives on the same day
The scene breaks by Atangana who is complaining about
his wife who has delayed to come back from the farm and cook for him. They have
a serious discussion in which Abessolo suggests that Atangana and Ondua should
beat their wives and daughters. On the same day they are expecting Mbia the
civil servant to come in order to marry Juliette who is still studying at
Libamba. Unknowingly, Juliette arrives the same day and when she is told the
idea of marrying Mbia she rejects it because she claims not to love him.
The whole family is surprised to hear such a response
and becomes disappointed by her reaction. The whole family expects to get rich
through her, just as Meca’s daughter who was married the 12th wife
of the Deputy of the Secretary of State and since then she has been helping her
family, so they expect Juliette to do the same.
We are also told that there is a young farmer called
Ndi who has already paid 100,000/= francs for Juliette. Eventually, the Civil
Servant arrives and everybody is impressed.
discussion of the Bride price with Mbia.
Atangana beats the drum to welcome the whole village
to come and meet Mbia. Mbia is pompous and boastful. He introduces himself as a
great man who is known personally by the Secretary of State. Additionally, he
brings a lot of drinks for villagers to drink. In the middle of the discussion Abessolo
asks Mbia’s genealogy, and finds out that he is related to Juliette and
declares marriage impossible. There is a general tension among the villagers,
such that they decide to brush aside the idea of genealogy and continue with
the process.
Mbia pays 200,000/= francs as a bride price and
Atangana declares marriage settled. On top of the bride price they also mention
a lot of things to be brought along before the marriage is registered. They
also find out that Mbia has got 8 wives and Juliette is going to be the 9th
wife. Women are not involved in this discussion. When it is over, Juliette
again refuses to marry Mbia no matter how much he has paid. She tells them that
she is engaged to someone else whom she loves. Atangana threatens to beat her
and says she will marry Mbia whether she likes or not. Oko appears and they
discuss the matter with Juliette. Juliette steals the money paid for her and
hands it to Oko and Kouma to be used later as a bride price.
comes for his wife and the theft is discovered
The family is happy because Oyono (Juliette’s brother)
will now have enough money for which to pay for the wife he wants to marry.
Still Juliette refuses and says that money does not prove love. Bella says
girls are not allowed to fall in love without the permission of their families.
Atangana comes back with Ndi, who has come to take Juliette on hearing that she
has come. They tell him the story about the civil servant and Ndi suggests that
he would rather have his money back. On hearing this Atangana is impressed and
rushes into the house to take the money and finds out that the money is
Meanwhile Abessolo, Mbarga and Mezoe are discussing
about young boys - Owono and Belinga – who have eaten a taboo animal – the
viper – without the permission of the elders.
After noticing the theft they ask Ndi to pay some more 200,000/= francs
to marry Juliette but he refuses and threatens to bring the police. They turn
to Mbia and ask him to add some more 100,000/= francs and take Juliette right
away. He also refuses and demands his money back plus threatening to bring 10
police commissioners while Engulu his servant takes notes of all other claims
against the villagers. Atangana is worried about the two police threats and
they decide to call the witchdoctor.
– the witch doctor comes to recover the lost money
Sangatiti the witchdoctor performs his rituals and in
the process he asks them to give him a lot of things like goats, chicken,
money, rams etc. He cheats the villagers about evil spirits like chimpanzees
and owls that are troubling them and promises to sell them powerful fetishes to
protect them from evil spirits. We are also told of Mbarga the village headman
who has 12 wives and wants to marry the 13th. Sangatiti continues with
his performance but gives false information about the stolen money. He says for
instance that Atangana sold 10 sacks of cocoa two days ago and the trader gave
him a magic banknote that took the cocoa money plus the bride price back to the
cocoa trader two days ago. The fact is, Atangana sold only 3 sacks of cocoa and
it was almost a week and he had received the bride price just the same day of
the event. They discover that he is a liar, robber, scoundrel and they beat him
up and chase him away.
last OKO marries Juliette.
They all blame
sending girls to schools because they believe schooling has polluted Juliette.
They advise Atangana to take Juliette and move with her around the city to find
her a husband there, who can pay 300,000/= francs. Juliette proposes to them
that if a man comes who will be able to pay the 300,000/= francs at once she
will marry him on a condition that they should not demand anything else on top
of the bride price. Unfortunately for her a rich trader called Tchetgen appears
and they propose the idea to him. They mention a lot of qualities that Juliette
has such as education and the foreign languages she can speak. Hearing this
Tchetgen says he can only pay the maximum of 200,000/= francs.
Eventually, Oko arrives with Kouma and a band of
musicians, dressed like the really great man they are looking for greater than
even the civil servant. They all prefer him to marry Juliette because of the
way Kouma introduces him. Oko tells them that he will marry Juliette only if she
herself agrees. They are all surprised because women have no choice to decide
who they should marry. Lastly Oko pays the 300,000/= francs and marries
Juliette –
Ø She is Atangana’s daughter, Oyono’s sister and Oko’s
Ø She is educated
and struggles to change the traditional
values that oppress women.
Ø She is
intelligent. She uses her
intelligence to fool the villagers by stealing the money paid by other suitors
and gives it to Oko who pays it back and the two get married legally.
Ø She is forced to
marry men who are not of her choice but she refuses. These are Ndi, the first suitor, Mbia the second suitor and Tchetgen
the third suitor.
Ø She is a
revolutionist who advocates for change. She is fighting for freedom of women in aspects like freedom of
expression, choice and decision making.
Ø She is aware of
her rights. She wants to show that
women are equally important as men and should be consulted on matters affecting
them directly.
Ø She has true love
and a stand. Juliette shows an
example of true love as she loves Oko for who he is, knowing that he has no
money and is still studying. She knows that he can’t even afford to pay the
bride price that’s why she helps him to get the bride price.
Ø She is courageous
and liberal. She is not easily
swayed by circumstances. Even when the whole family turns against her, she is
still determined not to follow their decisions even after being threatened to
be beaten by her relatives.
Ø She does not run away from problems but takes an
active role in finding the solution to the problems affecting her.
Ø She comes from an extended family in which even the
issue of marriage is not a personal phenomenon. Many people come together each
of them hoping to benefit in one way or another.
Ø She leaves her
family in a desperate situation. After stealing
the money, Oko pays back the money which will be used later to refund the
previous suitors but the family itself remain with nothing.
Ø She represents young generation who go against the
outdated traditional customs. She is worthy being emulated in the society.
Atangana –
is Juliette and Oyono’s father and Makrita’s husband.
He is a traditionalist. He believes in witchdoctors’ power. He invites
Sangatiti to come and recover his lost money. Also he believes that bride price
is still important to settle marriage of the youngsters.
He is oppressive to women and hot tempered. He believes in men’s superiority and women
inferiority. He doesn’t want a woman to speak when he is speaking. Also his
wife Makrita does the farm work alone but he complains when she delays to come
back and cook for him.
He is an opportunist. He sends Juliette to school not because it is her
right to education but because he knows that someday he will benefit from it.
Pg 12” when I sent her to secondary
school, I was justly saying to everybody: ‘some day, I’ll benefit from that”
Also he wants to marry Juliette off to Mbia hoping that through him he would be
able to easily get a gun permit and medals of honour.
He is greedy and money monger. He is so greedy for money. He has already received
the bride price for Juliette from Ndi, yet he accepts the 200000/= francs paid
by Mbia for the same girl. Lastly he receives th 300000/= paid by Oko just for
the same girl.
He desperate and fears the police terribly. He suffers an intrapersonal conflict when he notices
that the money is stolen and fears the police who might be brought by Ndi or
He is ignorant, illiterate and does not want changes. He is not worthy being emulated in the society.
Kouma –.
Ø Juliette’s cousin and educated young man who owns the
Ø He is intelligent. He uses his intelligence to bring about changes in
his society. For example he dares to contradict the witch doctor when he keeps
on telling lies about the stolen money while he knows where the money is.
Ø He is a
revolutionist. He also fights for the
rights of women like freedom of choice, expression and decision making. For
example he says ‘she’s left free to
choose, you see?” pg 68.
Ø He is literate
and so creative. He presents Oko as a
great man dressed immaculately and magnificently that everybody suggests him
for Juliette. He takes advantage of the ignorance of the villagers and
introduces Oko as a great man, greater than the civil servant. Finally all the
villagers bless the marriage between Oko and Juliette.
Ø In collaboration with Oko and Juliette they teach the
villagers that women are also valuable human beings with their own feelings,
decisions etc. which must be respected.
Oko -
Ø He is an educated
young man from Ambam who studies
at Lycee Leclere and Juliette’s fiancé.
Ø He is also a
revolutionist. He fights for women’s
rights like; freedom of choice, expression and decision making. He says for
instance in pg: 67 “I will marry your
daughter if she herself agrees”, “if she is to marry me she must do as she
Ø He is creative. He comes at Atangana’s home magnificently dressed
and is easily accepted by the whole family not realizing that he is the same
schoolboy they have been rejecting.
Ø He is the one who
succeeds to marry Juliette. He pays the
300000/= francs given to him by Juliette and the two get the blessings of the
Ø He advocates for change in the society and is worthy
being emulated.
Abessolo –.
Ø He is Juliette’s grandfather, Atangana and Ondua’s
father and Bella’s Husband.
Ø He is a
traditionalist and conservative. He upholds the
traditional values of the society whether good or bad. For example,
He believes that bride
price is still important.
Also women should not be
allowed to eat certain taboo animals, and should not be consulted about
He traces Mbia’s
genealogy and declares marriage impossible after discovering that Mbia is
related to Juliette.
Ø He is oppressive
to women. He believes that women
should be beaten as a way of disciplining them. He suggests that Ondua and
Atangana should beat their wives and daughters. Pg. 12
Ø He is a hypocrite. He is against sending girls to secondary schools but
he wants to benefit from it.
Ø He is against changes in the society thus not worthy
being emulated.
Ø He is a
witch-doctor from Mfouladja who
comes to recover Atangana’s lost money.
Ø He is a liar. He lies to the villagers to know about the lost
money while in fact he learns from their own words. He says for instance that
Atangana sold 10 sacks of cocoa two days ago and the trader gave him a magic
banknote that took the cocoa money plus the bride price back to the cocoa
trader two days ago. The fact is, Atangana sold only 3 sacks of cocoa and it
was almost a week and he had received the bride price just the same day of the
Ø He is
superstitious. He believes in
witchcraft and evil spirits. For instance he threatens to bewitch the whole
village. He also promises to sell the villagers powerful fetishes that would
protect them from the evil spirits.
Ø He is a robber. He keeps on robbing the ignorant villagers a lot of
things like rams, goats, cockerels, etc by using tricks.
Ø He is ignorant
and illiterate. He doesn’t know the
ordinary geography that he says north and South is just the same thing.
Ø He is corrupt. He wants to get rich by using tricks. E.g. He says
that if they want to recover their money they must give him; 15 cockerels, 12
goats, 2 rams and 6 pigs.
Ø He is pompous/
boastful. He boasts of being a
competent witch-doctor while he is not. He says “as you couldn’t have known about the magic bank note without the help
of a powerful witch-doctor like me…” pg 57. He is not worthy to be emulated
in the society.
Mbarga –
He is the headman of Mvoutessi village.
He is a traditionalist. Like Atangana Ondua Mezoe and Abessolo he too
upholds the traditional values. He complains about Belinga and Owono who have
eaten the viper without the permission of elders. Pg42
He is a hypocrite. He pretends to praise Ndi in order to soften his
mind to add some more 200000/= francs he even pretends to cry mourning the
death of Ndi’s father who after all isn’t dead yet.
He is a polygamist. He has 12 wives and is proposing to marry the 13th
wife from Ngoantet.
He is superstitious. He believes in superstition because he is the one
who suggests the idea of calling the witch-doctor to recover the stolen
He is an irresponsible leader. He is not a responsible leader because he is
supposed to take actions to people who distil illegal drinks ‘Arki” but he
himself does the same illegal business.
He is pompous. He brags about himself for instance for bringing a
competent witch doctor. He also brags about being the headman of the village.
He is an opportunist. He is opportunist because he also wants to take
advantage of Juliette’s marriage to Mbia to get a gun permit. He even invites
Mbia in his house so as to create a close tie with him.
is a young hardworking farmer from Awae. He helps Makrita his expected
mother-in-law to clear her farm. We are also told that he is an expert in laying
monkey traps pg 17
is Juliette’s first suitor who pays 100,000/= francs.
is betrayed by Atangana’s family that takes Mbia’s money while knowing that Ndi
has already paid for Juliette.
threatens to bring the police to arrest Atangana if he fails to pay back his
Mbia –
Ø He is a rich
civil servant from Sangmelima and
Juliette’s second suitor.
Ø He is pompous. He brags about himself being a very important civil
servant and that the Secretary of state knows him personally. He also likes to
be praised. When Mbarga praises him he becomes pleased and orders drinks for
Ø He is a
polygamist. We are told he is
married to 8 wives and is now proposing to marry Juliette the 9th
Ø He has no true
love. The fact that he has 8 wives
signifies that he has no true love but to him women are objects to satisfy his
sexual desires.
Ø He misuses the
government position for private gain. He uses his position and money to attract more wives to himself. He
threatens to use his position to send police officers to arrest the villagers
for not paying respect to him.
Ø He is a hypocrite
and has no stand. Initially he praises
Atangana’s family and even drinks an illegal drink “Arki” because he wants them
to give him Juliette as his wife. When the deal fails he changes his opinion
and threatens to arrest the villagers for distilling arki.
Ø He is an
opportunist. He promises to give
the villagers a lot of things on top of the bride price so as to have Juliette.
Ø He is a drunkard. He is a heavy drunkard as he comes with a lot of
strong drinks from Sangmelima and even goes to drink at the headman’s house.
Ø He is not worthy being emulated in the society.
Ø He is a trader from Bamileke and Juliette’s third
Ø He owns two shops in Sangmelima and a bar in Zoetele.
Ø He agrees to marry Juliette but proposes to pay the
maximum of 200000/= francs only.
Ø He is not interested in marrying Juliette after
noticing that she costs too much.
The title of the play is “Three Suitors One Husband”. Tracing through the play we find that
it has a close connection with the content of the play. The following are the three suitors and one husband from “Three suitors One Husband”;
ü The first suitor is Ndi, a young hardworking farmer
from Awae who proposes to marry Juliette and pays the sum of 100,000/= francs.
Unfortunately for him he does not succeed to marry Juliette. As the second
suitor overpowers him.
ü The second suitor is Mbia, a rich civil servant from
Sangmelima who proposes to marry Juliette and pays the sum of 200,000/= francs
plus a lot of things that he has to bring along on top of the bride price to
have the marriage settled. He too does not succeed to marry Juliette.
ü The third suitor is Tchetgen, a rich
trader/businessman from Bamileke who pays the maximum of 200,000/= francs for
Juliette. He does not succeed to marry Juliette since the family wants him to
pay 300,000/=francs. He is not interested and moves away.
ü The husband is Oko a young educated man from Ambam who
succeeds to marry Juliette after paying the required amount 300,000/= francs at
once. He manages to pay the money after being assisted by Juliette who steals
the money her father received from the previous suitors and the two get married
The setting is typically rural. The play is set in Mvoutessi village in
the southern part of East Cameroon. A typical Bulu village built along the
road. There are sub-settings like kitchen where there are some events taking
place and the description of the contents in Makrita’s kitchen at the beginning
of Act three sums up the rural setting
The playwright has employed the dialogue style throughout the play.
There are few cases of narrative technique especially in stage direction at the
beginning of each Act. To enrich his style he has also made use of songs as
when Ondua sings in page 23
Aya yam one minga a a
O lig Ondua a nyea’avee?
Aya yam one minga a a
Language used is simple and straightforward. Additionally the playwright
has made use of;
(a) Personification
ü “When a chameleon
dies a grey lizard should inherit his sacks of cola nuts” pg 50
ü …These tiny radio
sets which always tell lies” pg 28
(b) Simile
ü “Juliette runs to
the safety of the kitchen like a frightened antelope” pg 41
ü “…to marry young
men as poor as flies..” pg 16
ü you want me to
let them sell me like a goat?
(c) Hyperbole/exaggeration
ü ‘’The man we are
talking about is the one who rules everybody in Sangmelima.” Pg 42
ü “The most
obedient girl in the world” pg 63
(d) Under exaggeration
ü “Three hundred
thousand francs- pocket money”. Pg 66
ü “…Who once was
the poorest man in Messam” pg 18
ü “Girls are
nothing” pg 66
(e) Sarcasm/satire.
ü “A doctor of
Mathematics. That is to say, he can count all the leaves of on a palm tree”. Pg
ü “He is fluent in
French, English, German, Spanish, German English and French”. Pg 65
ü “He is also as
I’m told the Doctor of the Bachelor.” pg 69.
ü “Where in the
city? In the market place?”
(f) Metaphor
ü “A real white
man” – pg 13
(g) Rhetorical
ü “What? He is a
bachelor? Such a great man?” pg 65
ü “Where in the
city? In the market place?” pg 61
ü “Aa keeaah, Oyono
Eto Mekong ya Ngozip aah.” Pg 12
ü “Nane Ngok!” Pg
Ooo-oo-ooo-ooo pg 70
ü “Important
rivers can only be recognized by the size of their tributaries” pg 24
ü “When a chameleon
dies a grey lizard should inherit his sacks of cola nuts” pg 50
ü “The first day of
the marriage is just the beginning of it” pg 26
There are different traditions and customs portrayed in the play. Some
of these traditions are worth preserving for the future generation and some are
price. Just like many other African societies, bride price is important and
has to be paid before the girl is married. However in this society it is so
ridiculous that they are ready to receive whoever pays the highest bride price
for the same girl. For example, they receive 100000/=francs from Ndi, then
200000/= from Mbia and lastly 300000/= francs from Oko just for the same
girl-Juliette. For them, the girl for whom the largest bride price is paid is
respected. However the issue of bride price is seen to be one of the major
sources of conflict in African families as manifested in Juliette’s family. It
is not a good custom thus it should be discarded.
Polygamy. As it is in most African societies, polygamy is rampart in this
society. Men marry many wives to satisfy their sexual desires. Take for example
the Deputy of the Secretary of State, has 12 wives, pg 18, Mbarga has 12 wives
and is proposing to marry the 13th, pg 52 and Mbia has 8 wives and
is proposing to marry Juliette the 9th wife pg 26. However it is
revealed by Sanga-titi that polygamy is not safe for men since wives struggle
to win the heart of their husbands and beat their rivals and thus bring along
powerful fetishes. This is also dangerous in this era of HIV/AIDS thus it
should be discouraged.
(c) Superstition. People of Mvoutessi
believe in superstition and witchcraft just like many other societies in
Africa. Consider the following cases;
Ø When Abessolo collapses they attack Ndi for bringing
his witchcraft to kill people there. Pg 46
Ø When the money is stolen they send for a witch doctor
to recover the lost money. Pg 50
Ø Mbarga says he once saw their dead ancestors in a
dream and they blessed him. Pg 25.
Ø Sanga-titi makes them believe that owls and
Chimpanzees are not ordinary birds or animals but evil spirits of the past that
killed their 55
Ø This is not a good custom so it should be discouraged.
Taboos. These are customs that restrict certain group of people from doing
some things. In this society we see the following taboos;
girl should not speak when her father is speaking. Pg 17
are not allowed to eat taboo animals like vipers, wild boars, pg 12
men are not to eat vipers and if they do they must be permitted by elders. Pg42
This is an outdated custom so it should be uprooted.
Eating etiquette. Eating manner is also strictly observed as the
playwright shows that the elders are heard scolding those children who don’t eat
properly. Pg 32. This is a good habit that has to be promoted.
battering/wife beating.
In this society women are beaten as a way of silencing and disciplining them.
Abessolo brags about himself how he could not have tolerated nonsense in his days
and advises Ondua and Atangana to beat their wives and daughters. Pg 12 this is
not a good habit and it should be discarded.
Traditional Religion. Still many villagers keep the traditional local
beliefs. They believe in the spirit of their dead ancestors and that owls and
chimpanzees are evil spirits of the past. They also believe in the power of
witchdoctors like Sanga-titi and that his fetishes can protect them from the
evil spirits. This is an outdated custom so it should be discarded.
Traditional dances. In this society cerebrations are accompanied by a
dance. They celebrate a happy event by beating drums and dancing their
traditional dance called “Nyeng’”.
This is a good custom to be preserved as it promotes African culture.
(i) Economy the economy of these people
depends mainly on agriculture based on cash crops like; cocoa, cola nuts,
peanuts etc. also there are some people like Monica and Mbarga who earn their
living by distilling and selling illegal liquor “Arki”. Yet others like
Tchetgen engage themselves in trade by selling different merchandise to willing
family. In this society there is a spirit of cooperation when it comes to
important matters like marriage. Atangana beats the drum to welcome the villagers
to witness the marriage of his daughter. Also the decisions are made by
collective bargaining among the members of the extended family. For example
they decide who should marry Juliette expecting that each member of the
extended family will benefit.
Forced marriage. Love is important in marriage. However in this
society marriage is not defined by love but by money. The whole family forces
Juliette to marry Mbia not because she loves him but because he has paid much
money. Forced marriage is also one of the major sources of conflict between
youngsters and elders. It should be discouraged.
Women are portrayed in different positions and roles both positive and
negative. Here are some of the positions women occupy in this society.
Women are portrayed as hard workers. In this society women do all the work while men do
almost nothing. Most men are portrayed as lazy and keep blaming their wives.
Atangana blames his wife for delaying to come back and cook for him. Monica
also distills illegal arki and sells it to support the family. Ondua blames her
for denying him one bottle. Pg 11
Women are portrayed as revolutionists. Juliette represents women who are after changes.
Despite the inferior position of women in this society, she takes an active role
in fighting for women rights like freedom of expression, choice and decision
making. Although Abessolo says “Since
when do women speak in Mvoutessi” pg 15 she still speaks out her views.
Women are portrayed as caretakers (custodians).
In this society women are the caretakers of the family, and when the children
misbehave the women are blamed for it. Take for instance how Makrita is blamed
that she is the one who teaches Juliette such a disgraceful behavior. But
Makrita says “Juliette haven’t I always
told you to be obedient to your family?” pg 18
Women are portrayed as courageous. Juliette presents a positive role women can play in
bringing about social change. She is courageous enough to fight for her rights
despite men’s dominance and superiority. For example she asks “you want me to let them sell me like a goat?
After all I’m a valuable human being.” Pg18
Women are portrayed as inferior to men. Women are shown to be weak individuals with no say.
They are also beaten as a way of disciplining them. Abessolo suggests that
Ondua and Atangana should beat their wives and treat their daughters just the
same way. Also girls should not fall in love without the permission of their
families. This portrays inferior position of women.
Women are portrayed as tools for pleasure. In this society women are treated as objects to
satisfy men’s sexual desires. Most men are polygamous which shows that they
have no true love for their wives. E.g. Mbia already has 8 wives yet wants to
marry Juliette, Mbarga has 12 wives and he is proposing to marry the 13th.
Women are portrayed as a source of income. In this society women are taken as a source of
income. Atangana for instance sends Juliette to school not because of
respecting her right to education but because he expects to benefit later. Also
people want her to marry a rich man-Mbia so that they can get rich through her.
Juliette asks “Am I a shop or some other
source of income” pg 16
Women are portrayed as people with true love and a
firm stand. Juliette loves Oko for
who he is. She does not expect to get anything from Oko apart from love. She
asks them “Does money prove love?” pg
39 and she adds “I’ve told you my fiancé
hasn’t got any money, and yet I’m sure he loves me.” Pg 39
Women are portrayed as superstitious. In this society women are portrayed as
superstitious. Sanga-titi reveals that due to polygamy, some women are given by
their mothers some fetishes to “win their
husbands heart, bear him many children, and beat all your rivals in beauty,
charm and housekeeping” pg 55
Women are despised and segregated. In this
society women are looked down upon. Men do not want to consult women on any
matter. For example Abessolo says “consult
a woman about her marriage!” pg 12. That’s why Juliette and all women are
not involved in the meeting discussing about her marriage. Ondua says “women will have their way! No sensible man
should waste his time trying to reason with them.” Pg11
Traditionally a girl for whom the highest bride price
is paid is respected. In this society the
girls for whom the largest bride price is paid is the one to be respected Pg
18. That’s why they all propose Mbia for Juliette since he has paid what is
considered as high bride price so that she can earn their respect.
This refers to the misunderstanding or collision of
ideas, viewpoints or opinions within a person, between or among groups of
people in the society. Like other plays, in this play there are several
conflicts as analyzed below.
occurs within a person. It is manifested within the following individuals.
Juliette; She suffers an intrapersonal conflict because of outdated customs in
her society that forces girls to marry men who are not of their choice and
without consultation. As a result she steals the money paid by the previous
suitors and gives it to Oko (whom she loves) and the two get married.
Atangana; He suffers an intrapersonal conflict after discovering the theft of
his money. The conflict grows worse when both Mbia and Ndi threaten to bring
the police to arrest him. As a result he calls the witchdoctor to recover the
lost money but he fails. Finally, he receives the money from Oko as a solution
to his problem.
Juliette with her family.
This occurs when she refuses to marry the rich man
they have chosen for her. It intensifies as she argues with the family contrary
to their expectation since women do not speak in Mvoutessi. It ends when she
marries Oko who pays 300,000/=francs
Mbia and Juliette’s family.
This occurs when they tell Mbia to add some more
100,000/= francs for Juliette. He demands his money back and threatens to bring
the police.
Ndi and Juliette’s family.
This occurs when they tell Ndi to add some more
200,000/= francs for Juliette. He demands his money back and threatens to bring
the police.
There is a conflict between traditional culture and
modern culture. Young Generation represented by Juliette, Oko, Kouma, Belinga
and Owono embrace modernism by going against the traditional culture that
forbids them to do certain things like eating vipers, freedom of choice,
decision making and speech. On the contrary there are elders like Mbarga,
Atangana, Abessolo, Bella and Ondua who uphold traditionalism. They condemn new
ways of life and think that things are falling apart since youngsters no longer
listen to elders as they are expected to do.
This occurs between the villagers and the witchdoctor
Sanga-titi. It occurs when the villagers discover that Sanga-titi is not only a
liar, but also a robber and is not able to recover the lost money. He just
keeps on robbing them and threatens to bewitch them. They beat him up and chase
him away.
There is a conflict between the Rulers and peasants (villagers). This occurs when the
police keep on beating the villagers for not paying the taxes and arresting
them for being drunk. They want Mbia to marry Juliette to help them.
is a state of being conscious about what is going on around you. This is a
vital tool in so far as the liberation of the oppressed is concerned. Awareness
is manifested in the following aspects.
Kouma is aware of Sanga-titi’s lies. He knows where the money is but Sanga-titi keeps on
telling lies. Kouma contradicts him on spot and helps all the other villagers
to discover that Sanga-titi is a liar and a robber.
is aware of her rights like freedom of speech, decision making and choice. She
doesn’t want to be considered inferior that’s why she says “but
I’m a free person. Pg 31
and Oko are aware of the fact that women are important people in the society
and should be respected. They teach the villagers a lesson by giving Juliette a
chance to choose her own suitable suitor who becomes her husband.
In this society everybody thinks that money is a solution to every
problem and is the source of happiness. As a result most people engage in
different legal and illegal activities to get money. The following scenarios
are just few cases in point.
Ø They cultivate cash crops like cocoa in order to get
Ø Some distill
illegal liquor (Arki) to get money. Examples are
Mbarga and Monica Ondua’s wife.
Ø Marriage has also
become a business. Parents want their
daughters to marry rich men so that they can get money. E.g. everybody wants
Juliette to marry Mbia since he brings a lot of money.
Ø Love is based on
money. In this society the girl for whom
the highest bride price is paid is considered to be loved and is respected.
Matalina says to Juliette “How could a
girl refuse a man who loves her enough to pay 200,000/= francs for her?
Ø Sanga-titi is
corrupt and wants to get rich easily through
people’s ignorance. He uses tricks and lies to get more money.
Ø Money leads girls
into polygamy. Some people use money
to marry as many women as they please. Mbia has 8 wives and wants to use his
power and money to win Juliette’s love. The deputy of the secretary of state
also has 12 wives.
Ø Mbia is
opportunistic. He treats people
dearly (giving them drinks and money) to influence them to give him
Juliette. When it fails he uses his
power to threaten them that he will bring the police to arrest them.
Ø Money and power
make people arrogant and boastful. Mbia is
arrogant because of his money and power. He accuses the villagers that the
roads are poorly kept and the houses have not been whitewashed in expectation
of the honour of his visit. Mbarga is also arrogant because of his power as a
village headman. He dictates respect from people by using his authority.
This is a common phenomenon in Africa now. People are
treated on the basis of whom-you-know and not what-you-know. For example in
this society everybody is in favour of the Civil Servant because on top of the
bride price they expect to be favoured in other spheres as well, such as;
ü To get medals and gun permits. They say it is so
difficult to get it when you do not know the right people in the government.
ü To avoid frequent beatings from police. For example
Mbia discovers that the people of the village are distilling illegal Arki but
takes no action since he wants to become their in-law.
Education is a necessary tool for social change. If
used positively it acts as a medium for transforming a traditional society into
a modern one. In this society education has been used positively to bring about
social changes in the following ways:
ü It has brought awareness to young people who acquired
it. Unlike Matalina who has not gone to school Juliette knows her rights as a
girl. She demands her freedom of expression, choice and decision making.
ü Oko and Kouma are also aware of women rights. Although
they come from the same male dominated society, they don’t like the way women
are mistreated. They use their education to bring changes.
ü Education increases the value of an individual. Most
people who are educated are considered valuable compared to uneducated ones.
Villagers believe that since Juliette is educated they should demand high bride
price for her.
ü Education has brought about cultural change. Young
people who have acquired education have begun to question certain traditional
values. Even elders believe that it is due to schools that these changes occur
though they put it in a negative way by complaining that” schools have corrupted everything”
The play depicts different classes of people in his
society. There are several classes that can be classified in the following
Educated vs. uneducated
There is a class of educated people represented by
people like Juliette, Oko and Kouma and that of uneducated represented by
people like Mbarga, Matalina Abessolo, Atangana etc. Their differences are
manifested even in the way they look at things.
Traditionalists vs. modernists.
There is also a class of those who wish to see the
traditional values of the society whether good or bad upheld at any cost and
those who see no need to continue with outdated customs. People like Mbarga,
Abessolo Atangana Ondua etc uphold traditionalism while people like Belinga,
Owono, Juliette, Oko and Kouma embrace modernism.
Rich vs. poor
There is also a class of rich people (the ruling
class) like Mbia who enjoy the national cake and traders like Tchetgen while
the majority like the villagers (peasants) are suffering from poverty expecting
to get rich when rich men come to marry their daughters.
Town dwellers (townies) vs. Village dwellers
The life of the people in town is different from those
in the villages. Mbia despises the villagers. We are told that even Engulu a
mere driver despises the villagers since he comes from town. Also people in the
village even distil and drink illegal drinks like “Arki” while those from the
city enjoy strong bottled drinks.
Many people in this society seem to be affected by
hypocrisy. They do or say whatever might earn them a favour from somebody. They
even contradict their own statements for the same reason.
Mbia is a
hypocrite. When he wants to marry
Juliette he praises the villagers and even doesn’t take action when he
discovers that they conduct illegal business by distilling Arki. When his plans
finally fail he changes his opinion and accuses them of the same. This is high
level of hypocrisy.
Mbarga is a
hypocrite. At first he praises
Mbia and favours him for Juliette and they kick out Ndi. When the money is
stolen he praises Ndi to soften him to add 200000/= francs so as to cover up
the loss. He even pretends to weep, mourning the death of Ndi’s father who
after all isn’t dead yet. This is hypocrisy.
Elders like
Abessolo are hypocrites. They condemn
secondary schools for polluting girls yet when it comes to the issue of
marriage they want to benefit from the same education by demanding high bride
price because Juliette is educated.
Ø The play tries to show the areas that need reformation
and urges the society to make the necessary social changes. There are outdated
customs which need to be reformed like: forced marriage, bride price, women
beating, taboos, superstitious beliefs and polygamy. There are also good ones
that we may cherish such as traditional dances and eating etiquette.
Ø Also education seems to be a great agent of change
that needs to be embraced. Men should change their mentality by sending girls
to school since they are capable of contributing to societal development.
Juliette’s family
betrays Ndi by taking more money from Mbia while they know that Ndi has already
paid for her.
Many people portray a
picture of illiteracy. That’s why Oko, Kouma and Juliette take advantage of
their illiteracy to facilitate the marriage between Oko and Juliette.
Mbia and Mbarga are
irresponsible leaders. Despite knowing that distilling “arki” is illegal they
take no action.
There are two extremes
of love portrayed in this society. There is True love as exemplified by
Juliette and Oko and hypocritical/untrue love as shown by the polygamists.
price, polygamy, superstition, forced marriage and spouse battering are
outdated traditions they needs to be discouraged.
should use their education positively to bring about social change.
is not good in any ideal society.
doctors are liars and robbers.
and not money should be the determinant of true marriage.
is an obstacle to development.
boys and girls should be given equal right to education.
taboos should be discouraged as they deprive women and children of required
The play is relevant in
a number of ways.
is still a problem in most African societies and among the Moslems.
price is still a common custom in many African societies and is a source of
conflicts in marriage among the youngsters and elders.
still believe in witchcraft and superstition as a solution to their problems.
are people who earn a living by conducting illegal business like distilling
people misuse their money and power for private gain.
Good you try to pull up uor socks thank you
ReplyDeleteGood you try to pull up uor socks thank you
ReplyDeleteThanks you're welcome
DeleteThank you these analysis is so helpful.
DeleteBe blessed.
thanks you allot may God bless you
DeleteThanks so much, it really helps me
DeleteWe appreciate your work, thank 🥰🥰🥰
DeleteSuch materials are really nice, good job👏👏👏
ReplyDeleteWell done
ReplyDeleteGood job .
ReplyDeleteGracious amigo
ReplyDeleteSpasiba mi amigo
ReplyDeleteA job well done!
ReplyDeletePlease would you contact me through my e-mail
ReplyDeleteKeep going mwalimu.
ReplyDeleteAmazing job for the thing that Sir I have provided this useful information to US it means alot
ReplyDeletethanks. it is very helpful for our kids
ReplyDeleteI like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks sir
ReplyDeleteI just need the analysis of the novel of houseboy.
ReplyDeleteIts a superb work
ReplyDeleteGood done
ReplyDeleteMr.Sam,even if they will not remember you but I will. Good Job
ReplyDeleteGood analysis
ReplyDeleteThanks i surely understand🤓..
ReplyDeleteThanks its so helpful
ReplyDeleteMany people in today's societies have dishonest practices,justify this statement by using two novels you have read? i need your help people.
ReplyDeleteThanks it is so helpful
DeleteThe answer is that the way characters performed bad issues such as betrayal and others.I think it may be helpful 👍👍
DeleteOf course I appreciate this analysis
ReplyDeleteOh the eassay is very good
ReplyDeleteYou made it bro.