Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction-John K. Kennedy”
Before we discuss the reasons to live a purposeful life let us know the meaning of life purpose.
Life purpose is simply your life’s message. It is the message you wish to drive in the world during your time on earth. Having a life purpose applies to all of us whether we are religious or atheists. It does not matter whether you are 10, 20, 60 years and older. As long as you wish to live a more meaningful and conscious life, a life purpose is for you.
The following are benefits of knowing your life purpose; -
1.  Life purpose is the starting point of life.
       A life purpose is the first step to live your most conscious life. While you can be busy with a million tasks every day, when you don’t have a clear purpose, you may be heading down the wrong path. That’s because your goals may have nothing to do with your purpose, which means that you can pursue your current goals for the next 10 or 20 years, only to realize that this is not what you wanted after all.
On the other hand, when you have a life purpose, that’s when conscious living begins. While it does not mean that all your problems disappear, at least you know what you want to drive in this world. With a clear purpose you can then set the right goals and plans and take the right daily steps to your most meaningful life.
2.  Clarity on what’s important versus unimportant.
When you know your purpose, it helps you to differentiate between the important and unimportant; most people today are so caught up in so many things that ultimately do not make a difference in their lives. It helps to live 80/20 principle.
3.  Live a life of meaning, when you pursue your purpose, your life becomes filled with direction and meaning.
       As opposed to wasting your time in a job you don’t love, now you can work toward a career that better fits your purpose.
       As opposed to being around toxic people who are incompatible with you, now you can find people who share the same value to build your highest life.
       As opposed to living a random existence, now you can create your life of the highest meaning. This in itself is magic.
4.  When you pursue your life purpose (it makes you feel passionate about your goals), you gain an incredible burst of energy that keeps you going.
       The ability to pursue your life purpose may help your life to be filled with so much energy and passion that will excite you every day.
      Everytime you wake up in the morning you will be filled with energy (enthusiasm) to keep working. You will be among those with TGIM (Thank God Its’ Monday) mentality as opposed to TGIF (Thank Go’d Its Friday) mentality. You won’t be among those who pray that Friday may come early so that they may go to have a weekend rest or do the things that are in line with their passion.
      A vasity majority of people do the jobs they don’t like but they have to, because of various reasons, one of them being the fact that they do not know their life purpose on earth. Even those who get a chance to discover their life purpose are still sceptic to live their life purpose because of the fear of the unkown. Since they are not passonate about what they do, they end up underperforming and long for Friday to knock their offices doors so that they may leave the offices.
     On the other side of those who are living their life purpose long for Monday to come early because over the weekend they miss what they do in their offices. Their happiness comes from what they do so they wish to stay in the office doing what they like.
        When you are not living your purpose, day become day, weekdays come and you do what’s needed; weekend approaches and you look forward to them. Then the week starts and you wake up on Mondays with resistance waiting for a weekend to come again.
5.  To Achieve success.
       Success is an effect of doing what you love and having clear plans, goals and skills. When you discover your true purpose, you will naturally want to devote your life to pursue it because it gives you the most fulfillments. You will naturally want to spend time doing it because you care.
       You will naturally get better at it even if you are starting from ground zero because the time spent on it will give you the experience and skills to succeed. There is no greater gift than to honor your life’s calling. It’s why you were born and how you become most truly alive.
6. It makes you live with integrity.
       People who know their purpose in life know who they are, what they are and why they are here. And when you know yourself, it becomes easier to live a life that’s true to your core values.

       With a purpose in life everything seems to fall into place. When you find a role where you do what you love to do, and use what you are great at doing to become a solution to problems that you feel called to fix then we can say that you are acting on your purpose. Jack Canfield explains it more clearly when he says “to be on purpose means you are doing what you love to do, doing what you are good at and accompling what’s important to you. When you are truly on purpose, the people, resources, and opportunities you need naturally gravitate towards you
       Sadly, many people have died before discovering their life purposes and so not only have they missed the greatest opportunities the world has to offer, but they have also robbed the world the greatest opportunities they should have contributed to the world. Unexamined life isnot worthy living. The question we are goingto spend the rest of the chapter discussing is “How do you discover you life purpose?”


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